Progress Report on Loan Modifications Shows Little Progress

In a story titled "Paperwork Woes Plague Mortgage Plan," in the weekend (January 16-17, 2010) edition of the Wall Street Journal, the accompanying chart appears. It is based on data provided by the Treasury Department.
The chart is intended to capture the extent to which banks have move to modify loans that are eligible for loan modifications under the Obama Administration's loan modification program, which subsidizes lower interest rates on existing loans eligible for the program.
From a quick look at the chart, it would appear that the lenders with the fewest number of loans eligible for the program have made the most permanent modifications. Permanent modifications occur after a trial period when homeowners who qualify for the program make regular payments on time for their new modified loans.
For example, GMAC Mortgage has the highest rate of permanent modifications on the fewest number of eligible loans. Bank of America has one of the lower rates of permanent modifications on the highest number of loans. Wells Fargo Bank has made more progress than J.P.Morgan Chase Bank. CitiMortgage lags even further behind.
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