Marc Faber: "The Monetary Policies of the United States Will Destroy the World"
Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks on September 14, 2012, about Federal Reserve policy and his investment strategy. Faber, speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop," also discusses gold prices and the property market. (Source: Bloomberg) Selected Quotes: "Even if Romeny wins the election, the next Fed chairman will be a money printer. And so it will go on. The Europeans will print money. The Chinese will print money. Everybody will print money and the purchasing power of paper money will go down. And I don't like bonds. I don't particularly like equities, but I think equities are a better space to be in than bonds.” ** "I own corporate bonds. I bought some bonds from Kazakhstan because Kazakhstan economically is a much sounder country than the United States or any European country." ** "The fallacy in the United States is to think that this will go to the man on the street. It wo...