Gary Shilling: Making the Case for Recession
Larry Kudlow interviews Gary Shilling on CNBC's Kudlow and Company May 15, 2012 Kudlow: Let's switch to an entirely different discussion. I know there is a lot of optimism about stocks and jobs and the economy. Our next guest, however, is going to rain on this parade. Joining me is my great friend Gary Shilling, President of A. Gary Shilling & Company and author of The Age of Deleveraging . You still are in the recession camp? Shilling: Let me say before I answer it, the reason the money supply is going up is because people are switching their funds into forms that count as M2 and out of other forms and they are doing it for safety -- they want FDIC insurance. We've studied that in detail. Kudlow: So it's deflationary Shilling: It's deflationary, it's not inflationary. It's safety. It's...