ACORN Secretly Wrote 1992 Law That Set Fannie, Freddie 'On the Road to the Mortgage Meltdown'
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was a key architect of a law passed in 1992 that set Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the road to ruin, according to a new book by Robert Stowe England to be released September 30 by Praeger. The book, Black Box Casino, uncovers the myriad factors that led to the financial crisis of 2008, the worst financial implosion of modern times. This story is one of many threads woven into the book's narrative. ACORN was a key leader in clandestine negotiations among housing activists to shape new legislation that would set into place the regulatory regime that governed Fannie and Freddie. According to an affordable housing advocate familiar with what transpired at the meetings, ACORN and other housing groups were "informally deputized" ( Black Box Casino , page 42) in 1992 to write key parts of new legislation by former House Banking Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez, a Texas Democrat. ACORN was co-founde...